Evan Bass Men's Clinic

A lot of men do not think about their health till something is really wrong and they have to visit a doctor. However, such an approach can be detrimental to the well-being. Experts at Evan Bass Men’s Clinic mention that men must actively prioritize their health, in order to avoid serious medical concerns. There are many simple, yet useful steps a man can take to stay healthy and reduce his risk of developing a chronic health issue. The overall principles that make for a healthy man include being physically active, eating a well-balanced diet, having a healthy hormonal balance and maintaining good heart health

Evan Bass Men’s Clinic underlines a few tips that men should follow to stay healthy

Men are at increased risk for a number of conditions in comparison to men. These conditions include respiratory disease and heart disease. However, with proper awareness, motivation and help from healthcare professionals, men can develop habits that allow them to lead a longer, healthier life.

Men should especially try to:

  • Eat healthy: There is no singular perfect eating style or diet for everyone. Rather than following diet trends, men should try to eat more healthy food items in general, in a way that works the best for them. For instance, some men may find it easier to have two well-planned meals a day, while others may prefer having six smaller meals daily. Ultimately what matters is that they follow a nutrient rich, well-balanced diet. Men should ensure that their diet includes ample fresh vegetables and fruits, along with proteins like meat, shellfish and fatty fish.
  • Engage in physical activity: Men should try to moderately exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. They also must try to change up their exercise routine once in a while in order to challenge their heart and muscles. Engaging in physical activity and getting exercise does not always have to require a gym membership or expensive equipment. In fact, just 150 minutes of moderate-intensity walking per week can be of huge help.
  • Understand the importance of testosterone on overall health: Experts at Evan Bass Men’s Clinic mention that testosterone is the androgenic sex hormone responsible for physical desires, sperm production, muscle mass, hair growth, fat distribution, bone density and more. Men may start seeing a natural decline in testosterone levels between the ages of 30 to 40. Some level of decline is to be expected. However, there are specific habits and medical issues that might drive these levels even lower. Common causes of low testosterone levels include physical inactivity, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption and being overweight. Taking steps to reduce these issues can help in maintaining healthy testosterone levels.
  • Prioritize sleep: There is no substitute for consistent, restful sleep. The physical, mental, and even emotional health of a man, along with their mood, memory and appetite are tied to the quality of sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is between seven and eight hours.

In addition to following the tips mentioned above, men should also try to visit a doctor regularly. Routine, preventive care, like annual check-ups and age-recommended screenings are vital for identifying issues early and maintaining good health.

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