hosting account

Let’s face it: when it comes to web security, most of us prefer to live in denial. can cooking to escape drudgery, tedious work to boost your website security.

So what can motivate us to take security more seriously?

Maybe stick the details of the world’s most devastating hacks on our walls? But then the thoughts that I’m too small to be hacked will take over. An idea that I think can work like a counter running somewhere – a counter that shows the total number of hours you’ve put into this business or your website.

Although this article is not about habits and motivation, I thought a quick discussion was in order. If that doesn’t scare you and motivate you, I don’t know what will.

Please note: this is a  common  hosting account we are talking about here, not a virtual or physical server (or even a collection of them). Indie servers are a whole different ball game, whereas in this article I’m targeting the majority of not-so-technical folks whose income depends on digital properties.

Often the hacks are so bad that they erase your data; sometimes the malicious code sinks deep into the foundations and keeps reappearing (I can’t even begin to explain how many times this has happened to me on WordPress site clients !) despite the best professional cleanup.

What are you losing? The data collected from the backup. What do you win? The whole deal!

That said, there are a few things to keep in mind regarding backups.

Backups mean nothing if there is no provision for quick and predictable recovery.

And if there is no restore button, do you know how to reconfigure everything?

It’s bound to be a surprise, because over time you collect huge amounts of data, which can be painful for recovery. And then there are other things to consider: database version, software version, PHP version (if you’re using a PHP website, that is), compatibility of these versions, etc. More than likely, you don’t have the skills or energy to jump into all of this.

Otherwise, I strongly recommend that you opt for a management service that will take care of everything for you, even if it seems expensive. On the other hand, if you’re confident you can pull it off, I have to ask you to do regular rehearsals (say, every six months) – believe me, no matter how expert the expert is, there’s always something to trip over.

If you are looking for reliable shared hosting to build WordPress, Joomla, Magento sites that offers daily backup, try Site Ground .

How often should you back up?

Delete data older than a specific duration. Now, how long that lasts is entirely up to your business, although in most cases twice-weekly backups kept for the past two months are more than enough.

Even then, the bills for backups will not be trivial and you will need to ensure that it is the useful data that is backed up, and that too in a reusable form. Otherwise, well, you know the risks.

Embrace Two-factor Authentication

Only because if someone guesses or steals your password and tries to log in from their computer, they will be challenged to prove their identity.

The system can ask them to answer a secret question, enter an OTP sent by SMS or email, ask them to select a favorite image or use another method to enforce the identity. Honestly, given how badly some people pick passwords (no, s1mpled00dis n’t a strong password), and how easy it is for browser-based hacks to crack your passwords, it’s best to implement two-factor authentication.

This is another point that should be as obvious as the color of the sky (it ‘s obvious, isn’t it??), but like in the human world, emotions take over pretty quickly.

You want to quickly deploy a feature and you come across a source that offers exactly what you need, maybe even for free. The demos are amazing, the UX stunning – what else do you need?!

By admin

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